
2.again/once more有什么区别

3.英语短文带翻译120词左右 两篇






Motherland's destiny is just that everyone Chinese's destiny , development of motherland and need to depend on our every Chinese sons and daughters's contribution prosperous and powerful and struggle. But we ought to be missing me at any time for the motherland makes some what, is not what, has ardent love for the motherland from asking for some motherland mother there being able to depend on a meaningless term only by no means. As one middle school student , one League member of the Communist Youth League, I want to study well, contribution being that development of motherland makes self out. "Eight glorious disgrace socialisms honour or disgrace observes eight" brought forward by Secretary General Hu Jin Tao: Take pride in hing ardent love for the motherland , take endangering a motherland as disgrace, take pride in serving the people , take deviating from the people as disgrace, take pride in science-upholding, use benighted be disgrace , take pride in labouring assiduously , take disliking work and loving ease as disgrace, take pride in unity and mutual aid , take benefiting oneself at other people's cost as disgrace, take pride in honesty and trustworthiness , take forgotting friendship for profit as disgrace, take pride in observing the relevant code of conduct and the law , take being guilty of dereliction or serious violation of discipline as disgrace , take pride in waging an arduous struggle , take loose and idle living as disgrace. This 16 words, he made me accept very big education. "To he ardent love for the motherland for glory among them , takes betraying self's country as disgrace ". Be every Chinese's minimum morality base line , associate with person, look at how the parents , relative ought to look at him treating self, show filial obedience to or not , whom he can love if one people even not are apt self parents , relative? China has age-old history , splendid culture. ",



Each day is not rare.


We will be each other's beliefs.


Today, Le Xiangle, after Mo forget.


The heart does not pay, then re recall.


Heart is not drunk, no longer take a cup of wine.


Profound friendship a thousand feet deep, less than Wang Lun ge me love.


Life without bond and, on why the first cross homology.


Life is make in the end, not for the hee road.


Friendship can double the joy and half the sorrow.


Between friends to maintain a certain distance, can make friendship forever.


Before you can drink all night don't I he the time you he.


Said the disadvantage is that cheap people, most people are not at a disadvantage.


To take friendship from your life is to move away from your life.


A friend is someone who knows all your faults and who you are!


Wealth is not always a friend, but a friend is always a treasure.


Let the pages of your life always remember the warmth of the sun.


Friendship, which in the end is what? He is just a kind of feeling, a kind of harvest.


To succeed you need a friend, to be very successful you need the enemy.


Beautiful life is the combination of opportunity and sweat, is the crystallization of courage and wisdom.


The city of Shaanxi at five air que DES, tianjin. And the king of parting is over.


A bosom friend, Tianya zorpia. Inaction in the way, children with towel.


As long as there is a little memory, a little chance, a story will always be forever.


A good friendship, like the fragrance, will lead you to a fresh world.


Do you want to know what it is? Then you he to experience it yourself!


With go say goodbye, because the heart of that always look forward to and never miss.


In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you.


Although this is only a small piece of paper, but it is the cohesion of my infinite and love.


When we are hy, our friends know us; we can know our friends when we are in trouble.


There is a feeling not because of the passage of time, there is a kind of friendship, not because of distance and long.


A friend is like an umbrella, no matter whether it is sunny or rainy, it will always be with you.


Friendship does not require anything, but, it has a kind of warmth, is that we can realize.


Even if you treled to the remotest corners of the globe, through the numerous hills and streams, I will always remember you.


Very far away, but also to see you wing the hand, maybe not you, but I would rather believe that it is you.


Friend, do not need to say more, to work hard to exchange; friendship, not words to heart to taste.


Release yourself, don't hide, throw all the emotions, the power of friendship let you get released.


Miss is a sentimental beach, my thoughts into a warm blessing, sent to you in the distance.


For our ever lasting friendship send sincere blessings to my friends, warm greetings.


So what exactly is it? You only pay for what you get.


With friends, sharing the pain is half the pain, to share the joy of double hiness.


Even if we only he a short meeting and a brief understanding, we will be forever.


This classmate, will be the shadow of my life, it is sincere to write down all my memories of things.


Classmate that past life, is a bunch of ice Tomatoes on sticks, that charming sweet and sour will never finish up.


Yesterday, we should he a clear conscience; face today, should be confident; in the future, we should cherish.


Friendship is the most holy things, she will not only take root in the same , will bear fruit in the opposite .


Although the long long farewell, and your image is like a bright spot has been flashing in my mind.


May you he a good dream! Good mood every day! Bre to face every day, because the sun is new every day.


In the face of friendship, between people, like stars and stars, not one another, but mutual shine.


Walking in the desert, I hope there is a sweet spring water; in the face of adversity, eager to he a sincere friendship.


The wind, rain, clouds, gentle care; thoughts; careful talk; rain, sunshine, warm smile!


On the road of life will be melancholy, there are friends in the remotest corners of the globe. Grasp the opportunity to cherish the fate, wish our friendship forever.


Always remember to choose the most beautiful one, the unopened bud, just another annotation of youth, no regrets.


Despite the passage of time, space of our time away but I care you, blessing heart but with long.


Plain time, plain story, but I do not know how much this rainy night should the lonely purple flash in your dreams.


May be a storm of wind and rain, it makes the heart and heart of the collision between the more clear and loud, more brilliant brilliant.


The same thing, once, can hate others insidious, taken second times, is to blame myself benighted.


A person to say one will need another person listening attentively. Good words to win the audience, good listening to win friends.


The vast sea is like a piece of Gobi, is the sand beaches, but your company so that I no longer feel small and lonely.


Send you infinite miss, in every moment, for the sake of youth, in order to laugh, let us bless each other, cherish each other.


No matter how many years, no matter how far the road, I deeply miss the road, it has guided me to meet you.


I wish you a hy new year and a good fortune in the coming year at this hy moment, in a moment when you are missing a friend, a dream come true, and a hy new year.


In our life, there he been many a strange life, but were missed, even at a chance are not.


Years of growth rings, like the black rotating record, in the heart of each one of us playing the beautiful old love song.


Let the shortfall in output holding hands, each other all the joy and hiness to each other! I pray to the gods let joy always full of our time.


Heart to let you hear, love to let you see, not afraid of recognition of how much you love; think of you, I hope you can receive my sincere message.


A true friend is not going to hang it in your mouth, you don't ask for it, but it does everything for you.


It is often said that the friendship between comrades in arms and classmates is the world's two most sincere and eternal friendship, we he one, should not be hy?


According to their own interests to do things, in accordance with their own way to live, with their own feeling to go their own way, with sincere feelings to make friends.

again/once more有什么区别


1、bandy vt.吵嘴

2、bane n.毒药

3、banter n.玩笑

4、bate vt.压制,屏息

5、beguile vt.使陶醉

6、beleaguer vt.围攻

7、belie vt.掩饰

8、bemuse vt.使发呆

9、bemused adj.困惑的

10、benighted adj.无知的

11、bent adj.弯的

12、bequeath vt.遗赠

13、beseech vt.恳求;乞求

14、besiege vt.包围

15、bestow vt.授予

16、blanch vt.漂白

17、bland adj.乏味的

18、blatant adj.炫耀的

19、blighted adj.枯萎的

20、bluster vt.狂吹

21、boast n.自吹自擂

22、bolt n.闪电;门闩

23、bouillon n.清汤

24、brawn n.发达的肌肉

25、brooch n.胸针

26、brook vt.忍受;容忍

27、bucolic a.牧民生活的

28、bullion n.金银

29、bulwark n.堡垒,堤岸

30、burgeon n.嫩芽;嫩枝

31、burnish vt.擦亮

32、buxom adj.丰满的

33、campaign vi.作战

34、candid adj.耿直的

35、canon n.总的规则

36、cant n.伪善之言

37、canto n.曲调;篇

38、capitulate vi.投降

39、caprice n.反复无常

40、capricious a.变幻莫测的

41、captious a.爱找岔子的

42、cardinal a.主要的

43、careen vi.倾侧,倾斜

44、carrion n.腐肉

45、categorical adj.绝对的

46、caucus n.干部会议

47、calier adj.随便的

英语短文带翻译120词左右 两篇

again和once more的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同



2.once more意思:再一次; 又一次


1.again用法:主要用于修饰性动态动词,基本意思是“重复”,即表示动作又一次、再一次发生,重复发生; 也可表示“重新”,即恢复到原来的位置或状态。


I am longing to see my friend Jack again.


2.once more用法:后接than结构作宾语补足语或表语,表示前后两种情况对比。


Facts once again give the lie to the fallacy.




2.once more侧重点:已经再一次发生了同样的事。





People generally like to listen to what is agreeable to the the ear.They are likely to be displeased or even annoyed at advice unpleasant to hear.A person,paticularly one holding an important post,needs to be broad-minded and tolerant to listen willingly to good advice that jars on the ear and acquire wisdom from it.This,more often than not,depends on people’s self-cultivation of disposition the restraint of flaws in their character.Otherwise,those who are good at flattering others and catching their fancy will gain the advantage and those faithful people who talk straight will be hurt.

In their right senses,people may readily accept ancient maxims like listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed to one side and you will be benighted,” and “Hones advice,though harsh to the ear,induces good conduct,” or they are willing to believe in Lao Zi’s philosophical wisdom:“Beautiful/Nice/Pleasant words are not truthful / faithful while truthful words are not nice to hear.” However,in their behior,people are apt to go against these teachings,willing or refusing to listen to advice granting on the ear and consequently making serious errors.

因工作关系,我30年来,年年要外出公干,足迹几乎遍布全国,没有到过的地方只有 *** 、内蒙和澳门. 可惜进行远行奔波间,车马劳顿,总是行色匆匆,山水的怡情悦目,都如过眼的云烟,只不过领略了一个大概,不能去探寻幽僻的妙境.我凡事喜欢有自己的见解,不屑于人云亦云,即使是论诗品画,都是持一种别人珍贵的东西我抛弃、别人遗弃的东西我收取的态度.佛家有云:境由心生.因此,所谓的名胜,全在于你自己怎么看,有的名胜,你并不觉得它有多好;有的不是名胜,你自己却以为是个妙境.这里且将我生平的游历逐一道来,与诸君共享.


Due to the nature of my work,I he treled about on official business every year during the past three decades.I he left my footprints almost everywhere across the country,and the only places I he not been to are Tibet,Inner Mongolia and Macao. The pity is that my journey was always made in a hurry and I felt weary treling far and wide,so that while beautiful mountains and rivers passed before my eyes like drifting clouds and I could form some rough idea of what they were like,I was never able to search and explore secluded places. I like to he my own opinion about what I hear and see and disdain to follow what others he said about it.In talking about poetry and painting,I am always ready to ignore what others value and to take some interest in what others ignore. In Buddhi *** ,there is a saying:what you see / perceive is the vision in your mind / is what you visualize in your mind / is how you feel about it./perception changes with feelings.And so it is with the beauty of famous scenery,which lies in any case entirely in what one feels about it oneself.Thus there are famous scenic spots which I do not feel are anything extraordinary,and there are unknown places that I think are quite wonderful.Here I would like to describe one by one the places I he treled during my life and share my experiences with you.25’





1、Due to a knee injury she was?forced?to scratch from the race.


2、Cook?forced?the goalkeeper to back-pedal and push a shot over the bar.


3、A storm developed and we were?forced?to wait benighted near the summit.


4、He was?forced?to climb down over the central package in the bill.


5、[with obj.]if people are?forced?to retrench their expenditure trade will suffer.





巴黎圣母院的故事,实际上是一个在当时社会史诗,因为边与真的。友好。美丽的,也是流动私欲和是错误的。无论是良好的美丽Asmelada ,或丑恶的象, Cacimodo一个纯粹的心,他们代表了大量低层民众抑制;也许是险恶Coloud ,他是神所出现的脸,所有承载一种作者ponder.The作者在这方面的工作,为的小丑,是美丽的友好坏透不最好的诠释,或3人以上的例子,反叛Asmelada拥有美丽的外貌和纯洁良好的思想,以及可怜命运,但Cacimodo ,他顶住命运欺骗很好,最深处的感情是他的痛苦是严重的,但Coloud保持了愚昧的社会权利和利益,他曾残暴地。无效的头脑和邪恶的。好人体质可恨,但邪恶的人说,实际上的外观岸上然而,光明抵销,社会不公平的体现。

但文章也因此当反对党社会直至批评:所有美丽的是好的燕子的所有可能与邪恶,水平较低,人民的力量薄弱的国王权力的规则,在愚昧的社会,只能化为灰烬。是宫殿巴黎圣母院大教堂,有多少悲剧世界的证词后,在雨果的,他仿佛有生命气息,他庇护Asmelada ,暴露Coloud犯罪,感到遗憾的是,民众攻击壮举而英勇黑暗实际投入... ...



Exequy on his Wife

ACCEPT, thou shrine of my dead saint,

Instead of dirges this complaint;

And for sweet flowers to crown thy herse

Receive a strew of weeping verse

From thy grieved friend, whom thou might'st see

Quite melted into tears for thee.

Dear loss! since thy untimely fate,

My task hath been to meditate

On thee, on thee! Thou art the book,

The library whereon I look,

Tho' almost blind. For thee, loved clay,

I languish out, not live, the day....

Thou hast benighted me; thy set

This eve of blackness did beget,

Who wast my day (tho' overcast

Before thou hadst thy noontide past):

And I remember must in tears

Thou scarce hadst seen so many years

As day tells hours. By thy clear sun

My love and fortune first did run;

But thou wilt never more ear

Folded within my hemisphere,

Since both thy light and motion,

Like a fled star, is fall'n and gone,

And 'twixt me and my soul's dear wish

The earth now interposed is....

I could allow thee for a time

To darken me and my sad clime;

Were it a month, a year, or ten,

I would thy exile live till then,

And all that space my mirth adjourn—

So thou wouldst promise to return,

And putting off thy ashy shroud

At length disperse this sorrow's cloud.

But woe is me! the longest date

Too narrow is to calculate

These empty hopes: never shall I

Be so much blest as to descry

A glimpse of thee, till that day come

Which shall the earth to cinders doom,

And a fierce fever must calcine

The body of this world—like thine,

My little world! That fit of fire

Once off, our bodies shall aspire

To our souls' bliss: then we shall rise

And view ourselves with clearer eyes

In that calm region where no night

Can hide us from each other's sight.

Meantime thou hast her, earth: much good

May my harm do thee! Since it stood

With Heen's will I might not call

Her longer mine, I give thee all

My short-lived right and interest

In her whom living I loved best.

Be kind to her, and prithee look

Thou write into thy Doomsday book

Each parcel of this rarity

Which in thy casket shrined doth lie,

As thou wilt answer Him that lent—

Not ge—thee my dear monument.

So close the ground, and 'bout her shade

Black curtains draw: my bride is laid.

Sleep on, my Love, in thy cold bed

Never to be disquieted!

My last good-night! Thou wilt not wake

Till I thy fate shall overtake:

Till age, or grief, or sickness must

Marry my body to that dust

It so much loves; and fill the room

My heart keeps empty in thy tomb.

Stay for me there: I will not fail

To meet thee in that hollow vale.

And think not much of my delay:

I am already on the way,

And follow thee with all the speed

Desire can make, or sorrows breed.

Each minute is a short degree

And every hour a step towards thee....

'Tis true—with shame and grief I yield—

Thou, like the van, first took'st the field;

And gotten hast the victory

In thus adventuring to die

Before me, whose more years might cre

A just precedence in the gre.

But hark! my pulse, like a soft drum,

Beats my roach, tells thee I come;

And slow howe'er my marches be

I shall at last sit down by thee.

The thought of this bids me go on

And wait my dissolution

With hope and comfort. Dear—forgive

The crime—I am content to live

Divided, with but half a heart,

Till we shall meet and never part.





adj.(形容词)黑暗的 with no or very little light(颜色)深色的,暗色的 (of colour) not reflecting much light; nearer black than white(皮肤、毛发等)棕黑的 (of the skin) not fair隐藏的,神秘的 hidden, mysterious无希望的,悲伤的,无精打的 hopeless; sad; cheerless(道德或智力上)未启蒙的,未发展的 unenlightened (morally or intellectually)意义不明的,不易了解的,暧昧的 not clear to the mindn.(名词)[U]傍晚,黄昏 the time of day when there is no light[S]黑暗; 无光 absence of light[U]愚昧; 无知 ignorance; absence of knowledge三、英英释义

Noun:absence of light or illumination

absence of moral or spiritual values;"the powers of darkness"

an unilluminated area;"he moved off into the darkness"

the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside

an unenlightened state;"he was in the dark concerning their intentions"

"his lectures dispelled the darkness"

Adjective:devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black;"sitting in a dark corner"

"a dark day"

"dark shadows"

"dark as the inside of a black cat"

(used of color) hing a dark hue;"dark green"

"dark glasses"

"dark colors like wine red or ny blue"

brunet (used of hair or skin or eyes);"dark eyes"

stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable;"black deeds"

"a black lie"

"his black heart has concocted yet another black deed"

"Darth Vader of the dark side"

"a dark purpose"

"dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility"

"the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him"

secret;"keep it dark"

showing a brooding ill humor;"a dark scowl"

"the proverbially dour New England Puritan"

"a glum, hopeless shrug"

"he sat in moody silence"

"a morose and unsociable manner"

"a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius"

"a sour temper"

"a sullen crowd"

lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture;"this benighted country"

"benighted ages of barbarism and superstition"

"the dark ages"

"a dark age in the history of education"

marked by difficulty of style or expression;"much that was dark is now quite clear to me"

"those who do not reciate Kafka's work say his style is obscure"

causing dejection;"a blue day"

"the dark days of the war"

"a week of rainy depressing weather"

"a disconsolate winter landscape"

"the first dismal dispiriting days of November"

"a dark gloomy day"

"grim rainy weather"

hing skin rich in melanin pigments;"National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"

"dark-skinned peoples"

not giving performances; closed;"the theater is dark on Mondays"


It's a dark and moonless night.


The baby had dark eyes and dark curls.


He ran against a lamp post in the dark.


Reading in the dark is bad for the eyes.



The Darks of Hell.

出自:DefoeI..stayed away till dark.

出自:J. RhysI couldn't see his face in the dark.

出自:A. LurieThe alley was dark except for one patch of light.

出自:O. HenryIt was a dark night with no moon.

出自:Scott Fitzgerald六、情景对话



A:I’ve finished it all.



B:It’s been a long day.



A:It’sdark outside already.


B:It’s time to go home.


A:Let’s go home!




A:I will be home for Thanksgiving so se a little turkey for me.



B:Se thedark meat for me.



A:Dark Angel is a (good show/ great program/ a wonderful television series).


B:No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.



adj.(形容词)dark的基本意思是“黑暗的”,指缺乏使人能够看见或识别自己面前物体的必要照明(自然的或人工的),可指缺乏表现愉快心情的光泽或缺少道德或精神上的光辉。dark有时还用来修饰颜色,指颜色不鲜明、不明亮。dark在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。dark的比较级为darker,最高级为darkest。n.(名词)dark作名词时是不可数名词,表示“傍晚”时,其前不能加冠词。表示“黑暗,无光”时,通常其前加the,作为单数名词跟单数动词连用。in the dark有两种意思,即“在黑暗中”“不知,蒙在鼓里”。dark的相关近义词





